Sunday, May 31, 2009
For summer catch-up reading: A collection of news and blog pieces on the "future of news" and "newspaper bailout" debates and related issues...

Don't let the title fool you... There's inspiration and a hint of optimism in Barbara Ehrenreich 2009 commencement address at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism: Welcome to a dying industry, journalism grads

Next, from Jane Singer, in an AEJMC discussion of the future of journalism & mass communication: one blue-sky scenario of how the not-too-distant future might look for our graduates. (Updated link & info: Since my original post, Jane's essay has won an AEJMC prize.)

Senate hears a dim forecast for newspapers' future by Andrew Miga, AP, via Google

Save the separation of press and state, by David Carr, NY Times

In Congress, no love lost for newspapers, Dana Milbank column in Washington Post

Laws That Could Save Journalism by Bruce W. Sanford and Bruce D. Brown in The Washington Post

"A Newspaper Bailout" by Adam Ross in the Post back in February, describing President Nicholas Sarkozy's plan to aid the French press.

They Pay for Cable, Music and Extra Bags. How about News? by Richard Perez-Pena and Tim Arango, NYTimes.

Sen. John Kerry's opening remarks as chairman of Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet's hearing on "The Future of Journalism." Also from hearing, Arianna Huffington's testimony.

Video and transcripts from the "Free Press Summit" sponsored by the Knight Foundation.

Duke University's non-profit media conference, including Penelope Muse Abernathy's paper, "A Nonprofit Model for The New York Times?" -- which inspired this follow-up in the New Yorker. And more about the conference at The Nonprofit Road.
"Life after newspapers," by Michael Kinsley.

"The American Press on Suicide Watch," by Frank Rich.

"State of the News Media 2009" C-Span interview with Tom Rosentiel, on annual report of the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism

"Do newspapers matter?" from the NYTimes economix blog, citing a Princeton study of the impact of the closing of  The Cincinnati Post.

Meanwhile, see The newspaper crisis discussed at Princeton event, from, a site founded when a bunch of journalists got together at a public library and decided to "create a news site -- unlike any other -- to address the growing journalism void."

"Clinging to a dead business model for dear life" and "The Biggest Threat to Newspapers is Newspapers" by Daily Kos

Scott Rosenberg, "How charging for articles could hobble the future of journalism."

"First, stop the lawyers," by Jeff Jarvis, Buzz Machine.

From the archives:

from "Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable" by Clay Shirky

"For the next few decades, journalism will be made up of overlapping special cases. Many of these models will rely on amateurs as researchers and writers. Many of these models will rely on sponsorship or grants or endowments instead of revenues. Many of these models will rely on excitable 14 year olds distributing the results. Many of these models will fail. No one experiment is going to replace what we are now losing with the demise of news on paper, but over time, the collection of new experiments that do work might give us the journalism we need."

from The Elite Newspaper of the Future by Philip Meyer, last fall in American Journalism Review.

The now-emeritus UNC professor suggests it's o.k. for newspapers to give up on "selling everything to everybody." Instead, he says they should focus on being trusted, responsible sources of evidence-based public affairs news and analysis, aimed at what the sociologists call "opinion leaders" -- what Phil calls "well-educated news junkies."

      "The newspapers that survive will probably do so with some kind of hybrid content: analysis, interpretation and investigative reporting in a print product that appears less than daily, combined with constant updating and reader interaction on the Web."

1:30:20 AM  #