Saturday, January 31, 2009
A clip from the Walt Handlesman animationA friend just passed along a link to this item from Newsday, a Walt Handlesman animated editorial cartoon of primary interest to Baby Boomers, especially those who are or were Steppenwolf fans (mp3 sample)... but also probably of interest to anyone who wants to have a chuckle at Boomers' expense.

After I finished laughing -- and sent the clip to a few friends -- I decided to look a little deeper as an excuse to post the thing here as an example of "old media" folks who are using newer tools creatively. My friend provided a direct link to the Flash animation, but I  backtracked to Walt's original post -- which has a long collection of comments by readers -- some offended at stereotypes, some asking how old the cartoonist is, but most just laughing.  (How old is he? His picture and bio are right there on the site.)

Meanwhile, Handlesman mentions that he taught himself Flash animation a couple of years ago, and not only is he doing computer animation and mashing in sound from a "classic rock karaoke" recording in that 2007 clip, but he's posting his daily cartoons on a blog with room for comments.

His "mainstream media" credentials include a couple of Pulitzer Prizes and probably every award you can get for editorial cartoons... funny and serious.

For a more recent Handlesman animation with a serious message, try the Obama Inauguration, also good as a "name that president" quiz... and this comment on Obamamediamania.
1:22:20 PM  #