Thursday, September 16, 2004
The Annenberg Public Policy Center created to help journalists analyze claims made in political advertisements, but professionals aren't the only ones using the site, according to the center's director, Kathleen Hall Jamieson.

"I was surprised that the internet-savvy public has linked in," she told Wired News. "We're delighted. Our goal was not to become a news organization, but provide the resources to the press to do more of this."

Here's the Wired News RSS story summary, with links to the full text:

Finding Truth on the Internet. When it comes to covering politics, journalists often fall into the 'he said, she said' trap without taking the time to delve into the details. The nonpartisan jumps into the informational breach. By Louise Witt. [Wired News]

Rather more fact-checking

Speaking of searching for truth online, here's We Media author Dan Gillmor's analysis of the role of weblogs in fact-checking the 60 Minutes story that used questionable "memos" about George W. Bush's military service. Here's public television's special report. Here's another well-linked summary of the case from Poynter Institute's Kelly McBride, and Jim Romenesko's collection of media links about the still-evolving story. And here's the American Press Institute's on the topic.

updated 9/17

9:52:36 AM  #