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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My world-travelling Australian friend Stephen Quinn is blogging from London about new reporting tools, including the short-message bloglike service, Twitter. Here's his collection of links: Twitter for newsgathering. I'll add a few, in case he's watchng...

I've been keeping up on Twitter developments peripherally for more than a year, mostly thanks to Dave Winer, who had a great metaphor for Twitter as a coral reef technology... one that new things could attach to and grow. Dave now has more than 10,000 people "following" his own Twitter feed.

For background, here's Twitter's CEO: It all started with my mother (and a bike-messenger bag, messengers, CB radios...).

As for the coral-reefing in the journalism community, CNet was on the story in April, with a list of users and non-users in technology journalism:

Red55 had a list in February and attracted a bunch of "me too!" posts in the comments:

Some of my old friends in North Carolina got together in person last month to, uh, Tweet:

NewMediaBytes has been spreading the word among working journalists, too:
And if Twitter is all new to you, this short video tells the basic story:

However, here's a recent discouraging word:
"Why then, do I, and nearly everyone else on Twitter continue to keep coming back to this infuriatingly unstable platform to connect with our communities? It's likely because, for now, that's where the people are, and while most users are getting frustrated with nearly daily outages, no one is taking that first step toward migration."

I feel so left out, even if it is frustrating (like any new technology sometimes is)... But for now I'm afraid Twitter is going to stay on my "just don't have time for this..." list.

"Code word for the new revolution? RADFORD"!?!?

Another thing I didn't have time for recently was the Building a New World conference, right around the corner from my house... a less technological attempt by some folks to build a political coral reef. Tim Jackson of New River Voice filled me in a bit more than the almost-local daily Roanoke Times, where a columnist went off on a tangent about the organizers before the start of the conference. Then, as far as I can tell, the paper never sent a reporter to cover the event itself.

Today, the "mentions of Radford" Google alert I subscribe to startled me with another story about the conference -- from Michael Moore's blog -- including the line I used as a subhead for this paragraph...

But there's still a chance to catch up -- I see that AfterDowningStreet has videos of discussions at the conference.

1:04:47 PM    

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